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临汾市建筑垃圾及工业固废资源化利用、装配式建筑、绿色环保建材产品产业园区项目| 山西重点招商项目2019 制造业


核心提示:临汾市建筑垃圾及工业固废资源化利用、装配式建筑、绿色环保建材产品产业园区项目Linfen Construction Waste and Industrial Solid Waste Resource Utilization, Assembly-type Building, Green Environmental Building Material Product Industrial Park Project一、项目名称:临汾市建筑垃圾及工业固废资源化利用、装配式


Linfen Construction Waste and Industrial Solid Waste Resource Utilization, Assembly-type Building, Green Environmental Building Material Product Industrial Park Project


I. Project Name: Linfen Construction Waste and Industrial Solid Waste Resource Uti以防针孔和其他层相连lization, Assembly-type Building, Green Environmental Building Material Product Industrial Park Pro通常实验空间为1000mm;ject


II. Construction site: Dengzhuang Town, Xiangfen County


III. Main construction content and scale: cooperate mainly in aspects, including the use of construction waste resources, industrial tailings resource utilization, green building materials products production, sponge city special building materials, assembly residential parts (components) and other aspects.


IV. Project investment Budget and fund source: The two sides adopt the model of capital increase and stock expansion. Shanxi Guorui New Energy Co., Ltd. increases investment to Linfen Huji Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., to achieve Party A 51% share-holding to Party B .

五、项目市场预测及效而石墨烯、3D打印、超导等前沿材料的快速发展益分析:充分发挥双方优势,践行 绿水青山就是金山银山 的理念,共同致力于改善临汾宜昌蛇菰市生态环境,实现共赢发展。

V. Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis: give full play to the advantages of both sides, practice the green water and green mountain are golden and sliver mountains concept, and work together to improve the ecological environment of Linfen, as well as achieve common-win development.


Vi. Process of the project: The Strategic Cooperation framework Agreement was signed by the project on July 31, 2018


Vii. Application:

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